Take your chance and secure yourself a brand-new iPad2*! Open a live and secure FX-Account with our Partner Varengold Bank FX. The first 300 account openings get a new iPad2* for a minimum lot size. - Investment: minimum EUR or USD 2,500 by May, 31th 2011
Click here to open a live ZuluTrade Account now with Varengold Bank FX! With the minimum investment of EUR or USD 2,500 and more than 199 trade lots within three months from account release, you will receive a new iPad2* directly supplied to your home. Best regards, * iPad2 worth up to EUR 600 incl. Terms and Conditions of Participation for the iPad2 offer from April, the 15th. 2011 to May, the 31st. 2011: - Scope of application. The below terms and conditions apply to the participation in the Vacation campaign offered by ZuluTrade Inc., 48 Wall str, 10th Floor Suite 1100, New York NY 10005, USA, (hereinafter referred to as “ZuluTrade”). By participating in the iPad2 campaign, the customer (hereinafter referred to as “customer”) accepts the below Terms and Conditions of Participation of ZuluTrade.
- Participation. All customers of ZuluTrade who are at least 18 years old upon their participation are eligible for participation. Employees and freelance service providers of ZuluTrade, legal representatives and other persons involved in the planning and implementation of the iPad2 campaign are excluded from participation. The customer participating in the iPad2 campaign is defined as the customer who has registered by the account opening link provided by ZuluTrade for participation in the iPad2 campaign by May, the 31st. 2011 until 12 pm (CET). Account openings received late, filled in incomplete or incorrect will not participate. Each customer may only participate in the iPad2 campaign once; multiple participations may result in the exclusion of the participant. A customer may not participate in the iPad2 campaign on behalf of or via third parties.
- IPad2 award. As a iPad2 award, each customer will receive a iPad2 worth approx. EUR 600 (hereinafter referred to as the “award”) provided that the below requirements are met: customers make a minimum total investment of EUR or USD 2,500 (hereinafter referred to as the “Minimum Investment Amount”) during the period from April, the 15th. 2011 0:00 am (CET) to May, the 31st. 2011 until 12 pm (CET) and carried out more than 199 lots (RT) during the period of three months. Late payments by new customers or new customers who carried out less than 199 lots (RT) will not be taken into account. If the above requirements are met, each customer participating in the iPad2 campaign is entitled to only one iPad2 worth approx. EUR 600. If the above mentioned requirements are met by more than 300 customers the award will be spend according to the principle “first come, first serve”.
- Notification of the customer / Proceeding. The implementation of the iPad2 campaign, the selection of the award and the evaluation of the requirements specified under 3. are at the sole discretion of ZuluTrade. After ZuluTrade has ascertained that the requirements specified under 3. are met, it will notify the customer via the telephone number indicated in the account opening forms within 20 bank business days and send the award to the customers postal address. The risk will pass to the customer upon the posting of the award. ZuluTrade may not be held liable for transport damage. Payments in cash or exchanges of the award are not possible. The award may not be assigned to third parties.
- Exclusion. ZuluTrade is entitled to exclude customers from participation in the iPad2 campaign for objectively justified reasons. This will in particular be the case in the event of attempted or accomplished manipulation, multiple participation of a customer using aliases or through third parties or any other use of unauthorised aids.
- Modification of the Terms and Conditions of Participation and / or the iPad2 Award. ZuluTrade reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions of Participation at any time without indicating any reasons or to shorten or prolong the iPad2 campaign. This also applies to the award; this does not affect any entitlements that have already arisen. Any further mutual claims for performance will be excluded in such event.
- Liability. Any liability for damages of ZuluTrade or its bodies, employees and vicarious agents from or in relation with the iPad2 campaign, on any legal grounds whatsoever, is limited to events of wilful conduct and gross negligence to the extent this is legally admissible.
- Recourse to courts of law. The right of recourse to the courts of law is excluded.
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